In the area of the business development of precision alloys, it is about expanding the production portfolio of Isabellenhütte with new technologies. In the process, we rely on proven knowledge, which was generated at Isabellenhütte over half a millennium, and combine this knowledge with new innovative production processes and high-performance materials.
We place great emphasis on a good communication flow between research and development, production, sales and especially the potential end customers. At the end of the day, market segments are to be developed here with customer-oriented product solutions.
Thermoelectrics is an area of topics that we are currently handling in business development and that is already very advanced in development. The aim of this development is the thermoelectric module or the thermoelectric generator, which allows for the direct conversion of thermal energy into electricity without moving components.
The application possibilities of such a module are versatile and there is tremendous potential in the use of waste heat. More than 50% of the world's generated energy is lost as waste heat. This unused energy could be converted into electrical current with thermoelectric modules. In order to advance this development, we are working together closely with end customers, system manufacturers, universities and institutes in two government-funded projects.
In addition, we are looking for methods to further refine established Isabellenhütte alloys in new ways. One possibility is the atomization of the alloys into a fine powder. Then the alloy powder can, for example, be brought into a functional form by means of metal powder injection molding (MIM) or 3D printing (additive production). Advantages of these alternative production processes can be cost savings and the implementation of complex component geometries.